Tuesday, March 16, 2010


With less than 100 days until its North American debut (Latin for "the butt" -Ed.), I, like most animators and fans alike, am eagerly awaiting the release of Toy Story 3.

But there is quite a tale behind Pixar Studios' very first threequel. Oh yes, there is quite a tale indeed.

I stumbled on this article, written in October, detailing the history of the upcoming Toy Story 3 and the litany of obstacles strewn along the path of its eventual creation. Though most of us are well aware of the tempestuous relationship between Pixar of the '90s and the ever-so-charming Michael Eisner, the gorilla attack that was the production of Toy Story 2, and Pixar's relatively staunch stance on sequels, the article sheds light on some details of which I had been previously unaware, like the full synopsis of an alternate Toy Story 3 script penned in the 1990s (which actually didn't sound so bad).

June 18th. Know it.
